Onsite Independent Businesses
We are proud to have the following independent businesses trading from Botany Bay.
You will find these business inside the garden centre in the Cabins near the garden furniture, and also in the brick building to the left of the car park. If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact the businesses directly.

Quality Time Counselling Service
A safe and confidential space for you to connect and share your thoughts.
Find Quality Time Counselling in the brick building to the left of the main car park.
Contact Lisa on 07394981677
Email: lisa@qualitytimecounsellingservice.com

Flowers Forever
The leading innovators and experts in the floral art of preservation. Lizzy will preserve flowers from all special occasions and encapsulate them in an array of different products including frames, jewellery and resin.
Find Flowers Forever inside the garden centre, in the business units near the garden furniture.
Contact Lizzy on 07775437907
Facebook Instagram Website

Fieldfares Hair
Offering a wide variety of hairdressing services, including cuts, colours, blow drying and styling.
Find Fieldsfares Hair inside the garden centre in the business units near the garden furniture.
Contact Sam on 07919912069
Email: samnicholls21@aol.com

Astwood Bank Chiropody Clinic
Professional chiropody services here in the clinic or by home visit. Appointments can be booked on 01527 894004
Find Astwood Bank Chiropdy Clinic in the brick building to the left of the main car park.